Grid Reference BV 955160 / -36.878973, 144.707340
Department DEPI
Work Depot Heathcote
Region North West
Grading Primary
Elevation (ASL) 429m
Height 10m
Construction Steel
Cabin size 3m x 3m
Public access to site Yes
In use since 1947 - 1987 (org. tower)
1987 (temp. tower)
1988 - (current tower)
CFA Region 12 - North Eastern

The original wooden tower burnt down in the fires in 1987. A temporary tower (14m high) was brought in from Cann River and the current tower was constructed the following year.
The rumour has it that from the 1920's until mid 1940's, a person used to sit up Mt. Ida on horse back and upon seeing smoke rode down to a farm house on the Northern H'way, owned by a Edward Kemp, and report the fire.
Photos and details supplied by John McGillivray

Please click on thumbnail for enlargements

Temporary Mt. Ida tower

In notes supplied by David Bannear are the following points of interest:
12--01-1956, a memo describes the poor condition of the lookout hut and applies for a new one, to be built on site due to the rough and narrow track.
23-08-1956, a handwritten memo asks again for a replacement cabin.
24-06-1965 to 24-08-1965, Various letters between Forest Commission and the Shire of McIvor regarding the new road to the summit of Mt. Ida. The idea is to construct a new track to the summit so it would be easier accessible for tourists to enjoy the views over lake Eppalock, and the towerman, who used to walk from the foot of the mountain daily.
28-10-1974, "A severe case of vandalism has occurred at the Mt. Ida tower. The intruders have completely removed and smashed all weatherboard cladding from the cabin and smashed all interior lining. As well they have destroyed and removed all co-axial cables and aerial mountings which are permanent fixtures in the tower".
Recommendations were made to:
1) enclosing the entire tower and immediate surrounds by a steel mesh safety fence or,
2) increasing the height of the tower sufficiently to place the cabin beyond reach of vandals.
25-11-1974, "As Mt. Ida is to be the site of a remote radio installation, there is no doubt that a security fence will be necessary", and "Hence it is requested that the Division of Forest Protection provide funds for the safety fence so that it can be erected prior to remote radio installation".

Mt. Ida received a new cabin mid 2014. Please click here for a newspaper article, including a close-up photo.

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Mt. Ida in 2015. Photos supplied by George Mabon

The five 2023 photos above were taken and supplied by Andre Belterman. Mt. Ida was visited as part of the FLO end-of-fire-season-get-together in late April 2023

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