BEARD (tree)

Grid Reference -34.461278, 116.388124 (GDA)
Department DEC
Work Centre ?
District Pemberton
Grading ?
Elevation (ASL) 272m
Height 58m
Construction Timber
Cabin size ?
Public access to site ?
In use since 1952 - 1968
Photo (1969) supplied by Roger Underwood in April 2020
This tower had a short span of use. Serious crown rot was found to have set in and the tree was condemned and felled in 1969.

Please click on thumbnails for enlargements

This photo was scanned from Dave Evans's book 'Lookouts of the Karri Country' and used with permission from Roger Underwood
who commented: "I am always sorry we did that, but the engineering blokes wanted a good analysis of the extent of the rot,
and also we needed the site for the new tower".
Screenshot of old map supplied by MLC in late 2019

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