Grid Reference ?
Department DEPI
Work Depot Noojee
Region Gippsland
Grading ?
Elevation (ASL) ?
Height ?m (original one)
18m (second one)
Construction Timber (original one)
Steel (second one)
Cabin size ?
Public access to site Yes
In use since 19?? - 1963 (wooden tower)
1963 - 1976 (steel tower)
CFA Region 9 - Eastern
Information supplied by Bluye Smythe (see also Mt. Toorongo)
Operations at Crossover ceased in 1975. The tower was moved to Mt. Matlock to replace the old wooden tower there.
The following information was found in correspondence supplied by David Bannear.
The wooden tower was first recommended for replacement in 1958 but there were no funds available. An application for a special grant was submitted in 1960 but also knocked back. The tower was "patched up" and the replacement cost were included in the 1962/63 Loan Budget for the Neerim District. A 18m steel tower was purchased for £791 and erected in March 1963.
After it was completed, it was advised that "any occupant of the tower is to be clearly instructed that, when electrical storms are occuring within a radius of one mile (1.6km) of the tower, the tower is to be vacated, without exception." The tower was removed and re-erected at Mt. Matlock in December 1976 and the quotation came to $3900. Extra cost of $328 were incurred after it was found that the wrong bolts were used before galvanising.

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