Can you help with a photo?
Lat / Long GDA -37.370432, 144.597631 approx.
Department FCV...etc...DEECA
Work Depot Macedon
Region South West
Grading ?
Elevation (ASL) 990m
Height ?
Construction ?
Cabin size ?
Public access to site Yes
In use since 19?? - ??
CFA Region 14 - Central
The only reference we have found about this tower was in a newspaper article. The Argus, December 31, 1926 states:
"Perfect weather conditions have prevailed during the holidays, and walking in the hills has been popular with a large number of visitors. The two most favoured walks are to the top of the mountain (Mount Macedon) through the State pine plantation and to Camel's Hump, on both of which fire lookout stations, with telephone communication, have been erected by the Forestry department."

If you can add any more information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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