Lat / Long GDA -37.731046, 145.476317
Department FCV...etc...DEECA
Work Depot Powelltown
Region Port Phillip East
Grading N / A
Elevation (ASL) 422M
Height 18M
Construction Steel
Cabin size ?
Public access to site No
In use since 1st one 19?? - 19??
2nd one 19?? - 19??
CFA Region 13 - Central
Photo (1957) supplied by the Melbourne Walking Cub via Robin Bailey and used with permission.

There are several references in various FCV Annual Reports about the use of temporary scaffolding to test the suitability of sites before committing funds to major tower construction.
This may be an example. There was a similar structure on Mt. Disappointmentin the North East area.
We are still searching for photos of the tower that was constructed after this one.
If you can add any more information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

This tower no longer exists. There is now only a Telstra Comms tower on site.

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