| Grid Reference |
YC 232 209 approx. |
Department |
FCV...etc...DEECA |
Work Depot |
Beech Forest |
Region |
? |
Grading |
? |
Elevation (ASL) |
? |
Height |
? |
Construction |
Timber |
Cabin size |
? |
Public access to site |
? |
In use since |
1928 - 1970 |
CFA Region |
6 - South Western |
Sorry, we can't find any documentation on the contributor of the photo.
In the Forest Commission's Annual Report 1926-1927 it states:
"During the year, the following additional fire lookout stations were established: Creswick, Mt. Disappointment, Mt. Donna Buang, Mt. Drummer, Mt. Nowa Nowa,
Beech Forest and Mt. Macedon.
Four of these stations were operating last summer, and all seven will be operating during the summer of '27-'28".
We found the following information in the Australian Forest History Society Inc, Newsletter No. 51, January 2009: 'From the early 1920s a Forestry headquarters and hardwood depot was built at the west end of Gardner
Hill in and around Buchanan Street. A fire spotting tower was placed in the hardwood depot to allow all round observation from Beech Forest to Mount Cowley to Gellibrand to Crowes and to the coast.'
The same document also stated that: 'The fire tower was demolished around 1975'
The following information was found in correspondence supplied by David Bannear.The timber tower was inspected in April 1970 and it was reported that two legs "were found to be rotted right through and only the outer casing reduced to 12.5mm thick supported the structure". It also stated: "On a visit to Beech Forest 17/7/70 it was noted that the fire tower had been demolished".
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