Grid Reference -37.032790, 139.811486 (GDA 94)
Department ForestrySA
Work Centre ?
District Noolook Forest
Grading ?
Elevation (ASL) 72m
Height Original: ?m
Current: 9m
Construction Steel (both)
Cabin size Original: ?m x?m
Current: ?m x?m
Public access to site ?
In use since Original: 1969 - 19??
Current: 19?? -

Photo of the current tower and information supplied by Dennis R. Page, via Alison McLeod

Please click on thumbnails for enlargements
This 1969 photo is Copyright ForestrySA and provided by the City of Mount Gambier Library in March 2022 and used with permission.
For the City of Mount Gambier Library's website page with the collection of fire tower photos, please click here. On this page, you can click on the individual photo for detailed description.

Below is an extract from the Fire Tower chapter of a book, Forestry Tales, that was written by Michael H. Bleby OAM. It is used with permission, thanks Michael.
The Mt Benson tower looked over the immediate area of the Noolook pine plantation and had useful cross reference views to the South. It was a gem on a clear summer's day, as it had views towards the coastal town of Robe, including the Baudin Rocks Conservation Park, and the Southern Ocean - with the occasional smoke of a passing ship to report for fun. The Mt Benson tower was joined on the site by a police communication tower during my involvement (as was Mt Burr), and later had a major refit to the cabin complete with a catwalk and sloping antiglare windows.

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